Friday, May 21, 2010

Some quick color!
Heylo!  Figured I post some warmup skatch's.  The gangster on the bottom right is somewhat taken from the Irishman in The Sting.  Which is an excellent movie for those of you haven't scene it.  Much love.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Heya!  Just monkey'n around with Chroma.  Hope you guys digs!  More concept stuff for this fella and company coming soon.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Hey guys! It's still super hectic in my life these days... what with Shank Wrap'n and all. Here are some poses I can show because they appear in the intro to the Demo which is online.... and I guess should be posted here:) Our process basically is: Pose in Sketchbook, Build and Animate! Beans.