Monday, October 25, 2010

Hey everybody! So this here illo's the front and back cover art for local Vancouver artist Evil Ebenezer's new album dropping this Halloween. The album's called Evil Eye and its under the Comobear label! It was fun to work on and well timed for Halloween. These images are without text. Beans.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aaron, first of all, I am your Cousin, I am you dads Cousin Carla's daughter.i have never met you. and i hope this is a chance to, or a t least talk to you.

    ME and my school went to tour Selkirk Collage and I really liked the graphic design program then my mom said you were a graphic designer and i wanted to ask you how i could prepare and study for the program.

    MY Email is >>

    Thanks Hope to hear from you soon!!! :)
